jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Unable to start JDeveloper 12c Integrated Weblogic Server on Windows 10

I was trying to install JDeveloper 12c for BPM newest release ( on Windows 10, I though it would be easy taking in count Im not the first person trying to install it on Windows 10 and because there are many articles explaining the procedure.

I found an article saying that i should add the word "Windows 10" inside javashell.py in order to be able to start Integrated Sever. You may find the article here

When I was looking for the variable _osTypeMap I noticed it does not exist (I think because of a change in this release), there is a variable _dosTypeMap but even when i added the string "Windows 10", it didn't work, I got the following similar error from the above article:

java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "Command": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified'
Error:  ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD environment variable not set.

After trying different ways to start the Integrated Weblogic Server I found out a way, maybe is not the best way but i did work for me: if you delete the Default Domain and then you create a new Default Domain it will work, the Integrated Server will start.

Hope this helps!

1 comentario:

  1. I get the same error after I deleted and create again:

    wlst > Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    wlst >
    wlst > Type help() for help on available commands
    wlst >
    wlst > Failed to get environment, environ will be empty: (0, 'Failed to execute command ([\'sh\', \'-c\', \'env\']): java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "sh": CreateProcess error=2, O sistema n\xE3o conseguiu localizar o ficheiro especificado')
    wlst > Error: ADRS_DOMAIN_PASSWORD environment variable not set.
    wlst >
    wlst >
    wlst > Exiting WebLogic Scripting Tool.
